
Happy New Year! It’s time for the first post of the year!

2023 was definitely a year, which means there were some cool Ups and also some not-some-great Downs. I still am of the mindset that there’s no need to do a monthly review, but maybe I can at least highlight some key moments… for example, seeing Eason’s concert, running an exhibition entirely by myself (and my lovely minions), going on a carousel with a bunch of kindergarten kids, small-talking my way into small jobs and getting to hold babies, making cakes for my parents’ birthdays, going to random places with my siblings to eat and have a grand ol’ time doing nothing, catsitting for my neighbour, hovering around my dad when he cooked for Grandpa Joe, eating crabs (once with my Grandpa in January, and also the summer with Grandpa Joe), making a lot of bread, and every time I hear a kid say “Hi Grace!!!” while waving very hard. Those are some bangin’ moments.

Of course, the majority of these great moments are thanks to finding medication that actually works. I guess I’m pretty proud of myself for getting out there and trying to fix up my brain. And thanks to my parents for keeping me Fed and Housed, and the lovely teachers who keep letting me into their classrooms. I honestly feel like I wreak more havoc than do anything that helpful, but they believe otherwise, and for that I am thankful. Also thanks to my siblings for being cute and lovely and sweet and salty. They are so punchable and so squishy. So useful yet annoying. Love ’em.

Anyway, I was talking to my friends a few days ago and got on the topic of resolutions. In general, we all just want to make more money. Being 23 is weird, but 24 is even weirder. I’m also not super into resolutions anymore, so… either way, it’s time to look at last year’s post.

1. Remember to check all the essentials before committing to anything. This means checking to make sure I’m not making any (big) decision hungry, sleep-deprived, on a time crunch, without considering other cost-efficient options, consulting at least 1 outside source when necessary, and really asking myself if it’s worth it. This also means to double check that I’ve got my items before heading out of the house, including an umbrella.

I’d like to think I have improved a bit in this area, in part because of the meds, and also because I started using a bigger bag. In addition to the things I need, I also bring two bottles: one for water and one for coffee. I also have: my combined sketchbook and planner, a lined notebook, a pink folder full of blank paper and bits and pieces of projects, two types of gum, candy to hand out in case it’s someone’s birthday, lotion and/or sunscreen in a plastic bag, a retractable knife, and duct tape. And an umbrella, sometimes.

Oh yeah, and I try to sleep 6-8 hours a night. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have the strength to hang around kids for a whole day.

2. Write and/or draw things at least once a week. Something purely for myself, finished to some degree, no matter how shitty or sloppy.

Unfortunately, I haven’t really done that… I made some paintings earlier in the year, but my workflow for personal things is more sporadic. In spurts. Usually over the school breaks, I make a little something. I started paper clay sculptures in the summer, and sewing this winter. I went back to acrylic paints and figuring out how to prepare extra plywood/MDF into sturdy canvases.

3. Don’t be afraid of trying new things. I’m still often deterred by a fear of failure or inadequacy, but I guess there’s no real harm in trying things. Rejection and sucking at things suck, but like… whatever.

Hey, I did that one! Turns out that doing things is fun, and being embarrassed is a joke. I am just myself, and if I am funny or stupid, that’s cool. Whatever happens is fine, and everything will be alright at the end. No regrets allowed.

Okay, that’s enough overly specific and occasionally cryptic reflection. What’s something to keep in mind this year?

  1. Become Physically Stronger. Like, eat things with more sustenance and also vegetables. Remember the vitamins, and also do something to strengthen the Upper Body. Try to avoid getting sick, and consider… exercise.
  2. Draw on blank paper once in a while. Regularly. It’s for FUN and to DESTRESS. Either that or just use the sketchbooks without restraint. Just do it.
  3. Catalogue as you go. Not just take photos, but also write something below the plan. I started off 2023 pretty okay in this regard, but as the school year went on, the time and energy slipped past me… I have to get back into this.

Alrighty, that’s all for now. I’m going to backdate maybe like, two posts with some photos or something later. See you later.


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