
My Thesis Exhbition is done! It’s over! This is the thing I was super stressed about for the past … 9 months! I invited a lot of people, including my family who flew over from Burnaby. I’ve only just sent them off this morning so I haven’t recovered from that just yet, but I’ll take this opportunity to write a little bit about my feelings post-show.
Firstly, I’ll just say that we’re still nowhere near done with this. The other co-chair and the treasurer and I decided this semester that we should have a publication (like the architecture program’s annual) at the end, so we’ve got to start on that now. It’s exciting, but also a lot of work for us to do…
Anyway. I’m really, really tired. I don’t know if I feel anything else at the moment, to be honest. I guess a little happy and relieved (though I’m also worried about my mark. I went first during critique and my profs and friends assured me that I did fine, but I was also vibrating and panicking so I can’t really remember anything positive), a little bittersweet that undergrad is almost over, and also supremely lethargic. There’s still a lot to do in addition to the publication, such as rnadom final assignments, packing my entire life yet again, and also giving gifts/properly saying bye to everyone. Maybe. It would be very unceremonious and rude if I left without a word. I guess that’s also for a later me to figure out.
The day of critique and reception (April 2, the Saturday) went pretty smoothly. I was tired after set-up the day before in addition to the long hours of crit, but we got a lot of photos. It was sunny and not too cold. the next day was the public opening, and I had lunch with family/family friends before arriving at 2PM. I then proceeded to run around and talk to everyone and take more pictures. And harass my classmates LOL. I made them explain their work to my parents (I think I was polite, even though it was awkward for them…) and overall, I had fun. I think ti went well. We took everything down before midnight and no one complained. I should be more relieved but I don’t know yet.
Once I feel less brain-foggy I’ll write more reflective things (or I won’t. I haven’t decided), but for now this is enough. Have some pictures I liked.

Photos by my friend and co-chair Matthew. They got better photos than I did (my digital camera can’t handle the difference in lighting since the massive window is right There), so I’m putting them here.
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