Christmas 2015!

Merry Christmas! While following my own sort of tradition, this post will be about past Christmases as well as my received presents today.

Well, approximately. I woke up to a bright and sunny day, which is almost better than a white Christmas (because sun = somewhat less wet and cold). Then we all dressed fairly nice, took pictures, unwrapped presents, and ate lunch.

It felt a bit rushed, but I enjoyed it. Gabey was also very excited. He recently got a haircut, so he looked like a very round doll that did not stop making noise. Which, I admit, is not a very flattering comparison, but that is what he appeared like. Also: he’s small.

Gloria grew up too much, in my opinion. Especially after having watched a Christmas video from 10 years ago. She’s almost taller than me now… and probably much more composed-looking than I was in Grade 7 (which is a time I would like not to think about). Not saying that she looks old, but just more mature. Less likely to spontaneously yell random things and cry about boys, right?

Moving on: my presents were all very wonderful. Many of them were useful; either jewellery or clothes. Gloria contributed to my collection of those… Korean puzzle erasers. She said it was $2.50. I also received food, which is fabulous, as my storage of snacks in the basement has been running low as of late.

I have realized that I actually have very few Christmas posts. Going through my blog to find them is also very embarrassing—I’m either extremely enthusiastic or extremely sulky, but always in a pretentious way. None of those are good.

We have our annual dinner at our neighbour’s later, and there is also a lot of business regarding that right now.

6 days until 2016, and 10 days until school resumes.

Until then.


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