There are some Issues

Issues with a capital ‘i’ because there are a) many of them, and b) very strange ones. It has nothing to do with the technicalities or anything, I’m just… kind of confused.

Uhhh so. Grade 9. I don’t have an opinion yet because Grade 8 is nothing to compare to, right. It’s been… okay, so far, as I told the counsellor. There’s not much else to comment on.

I have friends… I think. That was a joke. Partly. It’s up to you to guess which part of it was the joke, though.

Yesterday was Halloween. I didn’t go trick-or-treating. Not… technically. As with everything I say, there’s a long story attached.

I started candy-scavenging when I was 7. That’s 7 years. I can retire now, right? It was fun while it lasted.

That sounds bitter.

Reading my October/November posts from the past three years – my vocabulary level has decreased. I guess I should be disappointed. I used to also be a lot more certain of my thoughts and actions. I wonder what happened, exactly…

Maybe I’ve just come to terms that people will always be nitpicking. If I pretend I am entirely uncertain of something, they can’t hold anything against me if there’s no proof that I know the answer.

Or something.

Aahh… I’m still not writing properly anymore. Maybe next year I’ll do NaNoWriMo.

I don’t know how much school-related stuff I’ve posted so far. Anyways: I have the same science teacher and the same art teacher. .___. By the way, that is not a good thing. No offense, but offence anyways. Laughs.

I’ve been listening to more jpop lately. Mostly from avex.

I do draw, sort of. Outside of art class, sort of. oohiseeJudge for yourself. Yes, I’m aware the date was a while ago… closer to my previous post date. Speaking of, I didn’t do well at all on that test, just saying.

Ah… and Gloria’s 11 and having (probably) a lot more fun than I ever did.

Notes to Grace:

1) You have a squirrel.
2) You have a Takatora.
3) You have sugar.
4) You have pretty much everything you need.

And that is a nice feeling, but now I’m bored. Which is probably why I shouldn’t ever be allowed to be satisfied, even if barely.

I think that’s it for now. See ya.

click here for some 7 y/o nostalgia


  1. 01/11/2014

    Everything you need? I don’t think anyone can ever…?

    Also. October 13. I’m… actually getting messed up because of dates and prepare for angst on the thirteenth of every month oh dear lord.

    • 01/11/2014

      .__________. deep sigh. worrying

      well, everything i NEED i have. everything i want i obviously will never have. although… i sometimes mistake what i need as want instead…

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